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Who We Are
Here's the crew (and guests) in 2014

Members of CNTHA welcomed Captain (N) Rolfe Monteith, visiting from the U.K. In 2001 Rolfe launched the Canadian Naval Defence Industrial Base (CANDIB) subcommittee of CNTHA.
DHH has an ongoing project to capture and preserve our country’s naval technical history. Interested persons may become members of the CNTHA by contacting DHH or the CNTHA Chair, Pat Barnhouse.
The CNTHA's Goals
Goal A
To collect and document information on Canada’s Naval technical history with a focus on:
- Progression of the use of new or different technology in naval technical activities
- Effects of the Navy’s procurement and construction activities on the defence industry
- Technical infrastructure supporting naval platforms and equipment
- Recruitment, training and development of naval engineers
Goals A1 through A4 will be achieved through the Oral History Program and our Working Groups.
Goal B
Increase accessibility to Canada’s Naval technical history.
Goal B will be achieved through this website and through various communications activities.